Monday, January 23, 2012

Four Way Books author and Vermont Poet Laureate Sydney Lea Presented by Kingdom Poets

Kingdom Poets are thrilled to present Sydney Lea, the author of ten collections of poetry (including Young of the Year published by Four Way Books), two collections of essays and a novel, as a Christian who speaks about faith in his writing.

Jeanne Murray Walker wrote of his new collection, Six Sundays Toward a Seventh, “In this book Sydney Lea invites us to take a spiritual journey . . . By the end of Six Sundays, the narrator and the reader step together into radiant light. What is so moving about Six Sundays is not only its wrestling with spiritual questions, but also Lea's affirmation that life is a spiritual journey and that this journey is of paramount importance.”

To read more about Sydney Lea's take on faith and his poem, Barnet Hill Brook, click here.