Thursday, January 20, 2011

Readings by Current and Forthcoming Four Way Authors!


April 22, 2011
7:00 p.m.

Copper Colored Mountain Arts (CCMA) in red barn
7101 West Liberty Road
Ann Arbor, MI

& TIMOTHY DONNELLY (from the Sun Journal)

FARMINGTON — On Wednesday, Jan. 26, the Farmington Public Library will host a poetry reading by Patrick Donnelly and Lee Sharkey.

The reading will include Donnelly’s co-translations of classical Japanese poetry and a multi-voiced performance of Sharkey’s “American Rose.”

The 7 p.m. reading is free.

Donnelly is the author of "The Charge" and "Nocturnes of The Brothel of Ruin," forthcoming from Four Way Books. He is an associate editor of Poetry International and has taught writing at Colby College, Lesley University and the Bread Loaf Writers' Conference.

Sharkey had written "A Darker, Sweeter String" and is the author of two other full-length collections, "Farmwife" and "To A Vanished World," and six chapbooks.

She co-edits the Beloit Poetry Journal and has taught writing at the University of Maine at Farmington, Unity College, Haystack Mountain School of Crafts and the Bread Loaf Young Writers Conference, and as a visiting artist in public schools.

Sharkey received the 1997 Rainmaker Award in Poetry and was the Maine Arts Commission’s 2010 Fellow in Literary Arts.